And I believe the Irish eyes are smiling....I think?
It's been awhile since we last updated the blog, but its been a busy household lately. I've had some variation of the flu combined with strep throat. Ava's got her 4th ear infection and i THINK is getting more teeth...molars maybe? now Rich is sick with what I had!!!
I thought I had a lot to write about on Ava but the only thing that comes to mind is her first REAL word(besides mama and dada). A word that she repeats and says when she sees it. Can you believe its "Dog"! So funny. Shes get VERY excited when she sees one from the car or her stroller and BIG smiles all around.
She also is loving the phone and pressing all the buttons, esp the speaker button. However, she seems to understand the concept of on and off, esp when we ask her to shut it off. In fact I think she knows a lot more than I giver her credit for. I asked her what was outside the other day and she walked all the way across the room and looked out the glass door. She didn't say anything, she just watched the cars go by and kids walk home from school. Around 6.30 when Rich gets home or pulls up in the driveway i say "dada's home!" and she runs over to the door to look for him.
In any event a quick update. Steve got Ava this st patty 'headband' yesterday when he came over for a visit. He ALSO brought her a big shiny blue ball that she ADORES. In any event, thought you all would get a kick out of her st pattys 'headband'.
Starting them early. Adorable.
Nice garter belt..
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