Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bottle Feeding Solo

The other day i took the bottle out f the fridge and handed it to Ava, just so she could carry it. I must have taken the top off because to my surprise there she was walking across the room taking large gulps and swigs from it. With a satisfying 'ahhhhh!!' after each sip. I tried it that night before bed, same thing.....the next morning, same thing! WOW! When i wen to pick her up a few days later I told the girls at daycare that she was holding her own bottle, isn't that GREAT! There seemed to be a pause and then a follow up with, we know. She does that here all the time. We set her up on the boppy and hand her her bottle. Wow. Ava has been a trickster at home this WHOLE TIME! In any event, its good news. A few more weeks and she will be on to MILK!

Shes also really diggin her sesame street car that dad got her quite some time ago. She tries to rock it....and is now realizing that is not as successful as using her legs to move forwards and backwards. She is ALSO very busy on i cant really get a good picture of her sitting still.

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