What did we do with our day? We went to have lunch with greatgram! I left Avas pigtails in last night and decided to leave them in for the day until our bath tonight. Mind you she had a bath this am when she woke up too. It was so much fun and she was quite the ham as usual. She was on the B.R.A.T. diet rec'd by Natasha. Bananas, bread, rice, apples, applesauce....um...I don't remember the rest. Anyhooo, lunch was successful and that was about the only successful eating all day. NO formula only pedialite which as you can imagine didn't go over too well. But she was tired and took 2 decent naps and went to bed on time, though I am sure we would have preferred to go earlier.
Some pics from the day at gramGREATs!
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