Sunday, December 9, 2007


So I was planning on posting to the blog tonight and I got this email today:

" ...And she's off! The stages of crawling usually go something like this: from a sitting position to all fours, to rocking back and forth, to finally pushing off with her knees — and then starting to move forward (or back). But there are plenty of variations on this progression. Many babies never crawl at all. Others develop a crawl style that looks more like soldiers bellying through the brush or monkeys poised on fingertips and tiptoes"

The funny thing is, I was posting to let everyone know she took her first steps last night!! I mean I cannot believe it! We heading out to a friends for a holiday party, Rich was finishing up getting ready upstairs while the babysitter, Monkey(AKA Shaun) and myself were waiting downstairs(plus Ava of course). Now you should all know, our babysitter is a girl from daycare who interacts with Ava every day. So, Ava is pulling herself up on everything and standing holding her toys and such, when Nikki says, "you know shes going to walk any day." And I look at her and say, "DON'T say that!" Of course we smile and turn back to Ava. Out of no-where she takes a few steps. There were legitimately 1 1/2 steps. Probably an additional shuffle before she fell. But it was a shocker non-the-less. My jaw was on the floor, Niki was laughing with her hand over her mouth and Monkey was trying to talk about his job or something of the like. Rich was still upstairs. It was like she did it for Niki. At least people will believe me at daycare now. They all think Im nuts. And well, I guess I am, but listen-she really WAS teething for 4 months! I swear.

Anyhoo-shes pretty much the smallest walking human I have ever seen. I should have known she would be taking her first steps soon. That day she was pretty much running with that little car of hers. It seemed like just yesterday she looked like a cross between Frankenstein and the hunchback of Notre dame.

Shes the cutest!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats because she loves me Molly!