Friday, December 28, 2007

Rock-a-bye Baby

I'm not sure how long Ava has been doing this, but as she started stirring at 5.40 this am, Rich brought her into bed with us to see if she would sleep just a LITTLE bit longer. (wishful thinking) She seemed a bit restless and then it happened, she rolled over and it looked like she was going to crawl to the wall, but she went back to a little ball position. Then back to the wall....It was then I realized she was rocking!! Just like I did and my mom did as well. It still amazes me everyday to see her develop so many different skills and awarenesses.

She has also mastered the step between the kitchen and the family room. She can go up and down it just fine. Very cautiously, too. I picked her up at daycare yesterday a little bit early. So I got to talk to her teacher who proceeded to tell me that Ava was standing in the 'pool' today(the pool is this gym mat type pool)and she wanted to get out. So she reached over the edge to find the floor(like she does at home) and she couldn't reach. You know what she did next? She took some toys out of the pool and put them on the floor so she could reach the ground and get out. Which is exactly what she did. This to me seems almost impossible. I'm not sure if its because I still think of her as a little baby, I mean she is right? But she truly is growing up so fast. *sigh*

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