Friday, September 19, 2008


Today we went to the Stoneham zoo with the Stroms. We saw bears, jaguars, birds, otters, snakes and SPIDERS! WE also spent some time on the playground and had lunch at the train with multiple yellow jackets. Ava seemed to be into the bears because you could get seemingly close with the glass wall. But as we moved on to the exhibits with more things to climb on and other kids her age running around she got distracted from the animals pretty easily. She called many things kitties and dogs. I can imagine that it must be hard to see a jaguar and not want to call it a kitty!! I've posted the photos form the day on flickr here, and you can see them in the side bar to the right as well.

The picture below of Ava on the train kills was SOOOOO excited and happy. The picture doesn't even really capture HOW excited she was. IT was SO cute!

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