The stats are in. Ava is healthy and thriving! Shes maintaining her percentages in her weight and height which is good. The stats are as follows: head 75th%, weight 19.9 lbs 25%, height 30.5 inches 90%. Her hears were checked and had some fluid in them...could have been a viral ear infection she had in Mexico which was what the rash was that she had. The trail end of the virus leaving. She really did NOT enjoy being weighted or having any medical instruments NEAR her. Poor thing!
Some changes we are currently making, no more bottles! goodness how is this going to go! NO more warm milk! She will from now on be having 3 servings of at least 4 oz of milk a day in sippy cups. (Served along with lunch of course.) We will SEE how that goes. Its good that shes a good eater and enjoys food.
So a few things to note. Avas has had her first real laugh. Not the tickle me giggle laugh, the outright ha ha ha. Each 'ha' was followed up with an inside breath that made a funny noise. It was SO FUNNY! I was laughing out loud with her which made her do it more. So cute! She has also had her bicuspids come in and should be expecting her first year molars soon....the only indicator I have of that is that her fingers are jammed o the back of her throat causing her to gag herself.
I believe she is still recovering from Mexico and the virus she had as shes been taking NUMEROUS naps a day!! She was only getting about 7 hours of sleep there and a few small naps.
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