Friday, April 4, 2008

Growing Up

Today was another rainy Friday. These are the toughest because its still chilly out and we don't know enough people to actually go and have play dates. Today tried to keep us busy with a trip to the gym. They have a daycare there which keeps Ava busy and playing with other kids while I get some one on one gym time. Then we went to the grocery store had lunch and it was nap time. But there is that long few hours before dad gets home and/or we have dinner.

Ave has been so great lately, considering we are taking away her morning nap. She BARELY made it through lunch. She fell asleep in her chair and woke up almost instantly SO ANGRY that this was happening!! I picked her up and she conked out on my shoulder as I carried her to her room for a her nap. Gosh she getting so big!!

In the afternoon we entertained ourselves with a trip to Target to buy some stuff for Vacation this Sunday. 50 sunblock, formula, travel size baby know. WE headed home and had a few snacks and then it was serious playtime. HOW to keep this little girl entertained for a few hours now. WE played with puzzles, we played chase, hide and seek, had snacks and anything else I could muster up. Then I remembered we had FINGER PAINTS! So I attempted this with Ava. It only lasted about 5 minutes..or so it seemed. She painted...ate some paint...and then ripped up all the paper and started ripping into smaller pieces.

I also noticed and new that she was getting some new teeth but I wasn't aware of the magnitude of these new teeth. She has her front 4 and bottom 2 now, but on her top broken through her gums are her incisors and bicuspids! Shes going to have a whole top row of teeth and 2 small ones on the bottom! UNREAL!!! Poor thing, she doesn't do anything in moderation, except maybe take naps. ha! Although she has been a very good sleeper lately.(yes, im knocking on wood.)

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