Thursday, April 17, 2008

Its Unbelievable...almost

Well its a day and a half into Avas new eating routine. She ate like champ yesterday and didn't do too well on her milk in the am or at lunch, but last night! Wow! She drank like 6 ounces! When I picked her up she saw the sippy cup in my hand and went nutso for it so I gave it to her and she drank most of it there and on the way home. I made her a new one with diner that she almost finished before she went to bed. She seems to have no issue with not having a bottle...yet. OR the fact shes drinking cold milk. We've been trying different sippy cups and she seemed not to like the Playtex because she couldn't get enough milk and we've gone back to the 'nuby' brand cups as the top feels more like a bottle and has a greater release of liquid. Which I think is designed by how much pressure she puts on mouth piece? Maybe she needs to upgrade to the straw.....we will see. If there is one thing i do know about our daughter, its that shes very independent and wants what she wants. Hmmmm...

This is odd behavior for her, but shes been going to be around 7.30 and sleeping to 7. I'm not sure what to attribute this too and maybe I should stop thinking about it and thank my lucky stars! :)

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