Came and went. It has been a long time since my last post. Someone told me this would happen with two kids, but i think it has more to do with working than having two kids or the combination. So much has happened.
Clara had her weight check in and she had gained 2 lbs! yay! No more concerns on her erratic eating schedule - just about 25 lbs. We weighed Ava yesterday at Dr Ferbers office, she was 32 lbs! WHOA! They are getting so big I cant stand it. Ava has officially graduated from Ferber, thank god. Those appointments pretty much killed me, always being around lunch time and all with the 2 kiddos.
We officially have the kids back in school 3 days a week and one day that we are desperately trying to figure out on a weekly basis. ugggh. This new change has brought about no naps in Ava whoch will contribute to her going to bed earlier, which i think will be pretty awesome - for mom and dad. hehe. However, this requires a hard wake up at 6.30 everyday to maintain her sleep cycle. Clara is an early riser, so I guess it will all work itself out.
Clara has been talking much more, though its only distinguishable by us, i think. ANd that girls love to dance! Doesn't matter where the beat comes from, she just gets up and moves! its pretty cute. Ava has to get in on the action too and shes got some serious moves. Ive got some great video on my phone that ill post if i ever figure out how to get it off.
We finished our living room and I took a bunch of picures of the girls for the holidays. Ill be sure to post some here. We also cut down our Christmas tree, Ill show those in another post.
Does anyone still read these? Am I doing this for myself now? And no one else......sigh.
1 comment:
Hey Molly,
I just checked out your blog today! I peek at it from time to time as my little ones are about the same age!! Keep posting!
-Michelle McClellan
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