Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Clara - 4 month check up

As you can guess, shes big. But weight wise average....just REALLY large compared to Ava. In fact 3 lbs heavier at the same visit! WHOA! Clara was 15.13 lbs and 26.25 inches. {Ava was 13.1 lbs and 26 inches.}

She looks great and is doing great! The only thing we need to work on is her flat head which seems to be MORE flat than last visit. This requires a check in with 2 of the doctors they use at the office. One is a Neurologist and the other is a Plastic Surgeon. If they deem her flatness flat enough...she will get one of those nifty helmets to mold her head into a perfect little button. I don't know much about this treatment and how long they have to wear them, but it looks like it might be most of the day. Hopefully they breathe cause Clara is one hot potato.

Clara is now up to 7 oz bottles! Unreal. She seems to be down to 1 bottle in the middle of the night at about 1.15-2.30am - or has been for the last 4 days.....(crossing fingers). Shes a great sleeper and goes to be d at the same time as Ava- 7.30. And we generally have to wake them at the same time 7ish on weekdays and 7.30ish on weekends. I feel SO lucky we have good sleepers. But what I love most of all is how much they really seem to love each other. Its so amazingly awesome!

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