Thursday, August 7, 2008

Something to talk about

Its been awhile. My apologies. Ava has been sick for a few weeks and so have Rich and I. Not to mention work has been a bit busy. There are no major updates to miss Ava and her development. Just basic things, like scaling the leather chair to sit in the window sill and point out the birds and cars. Not to mention Rich when hes out there. "Dada!Dada! Dadee!!" (which I have on video-just have to upload it) We've been building lots of towers which she loves smacking all over the room. She also enjoys dumping her bucket of toys all over and sitting down assembling the legos or throwing balls at me if im there. Shes dancing a lot more too, esp after a bite of yogurt.

The funny thing is, is that shes REALLY turning into a person that we can interact with. We play hide and seek and chase. We laugh hysterically together and tickle each other...shes just so much fun.

We bought a new bed frame after months of sleeping on the floor. Its pretty high, but it has a lip on it and Ava can get right up there and when she does she starts laughing like she just climbed mount everest. And her laugh is so funny because she always has to start her tongue out and its like a wild mad laugh, not a cutesy 16 month old laugh. Maybe this is a bad sign.

We've been talking about what kind of big sister she will be. I 've seen her interact with multiple infants and she seems to be very gentle and nice. But once this little bugger is sharing attention with mom & dad...who knows how she will respond! I bet she will be great. AS long as she knows the blinky eyes are real!!

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