I'm not sure if its that Ava has 4 teeth busting through the top of her gums or that shes just really coming into her personality. She wants what she wants! I'm sure my parents would say that sounds very familiar! I made the mistake of taking a small tupperware tub and placing one of her balls in it. It was interesting at first, until she couldn't get it out. There may have been a small tantrum. So i took the lip off so she could get to the ball. But she wanted to put the lid back on now and couldn't do it. More of a meltdown. There was no winning on this situation, except to take away the little tupperware tub and give her another toy.
These small tantrums seem to be appearing more as she doesn't always get what she wants. Generally it involves having whoever is drinking a can of soda in the room, or drinking a cup of coffee. She also is often getting frustrated with not being able to complete tasks with her toys. That may include putting a ball in a hollow box, or not being able to back up her push car.
This morning as she was 'helping' dad with the laundry, she decided to climb int the basket along with the paci she chucked in there, the dishtowel she put in there and my vitamins which she also put in there. She was majorly frustrated in trying to get out, which she eventually did. But you can imagine she didn't try to get back in.
She also constantly testing us. We have this metal fire surround protector around the gas fireplace in the family room. She KNOWS shes not supposed to touch it, but she will sneak over there, turning ever so slightly to make sure that you are watching her. Then she touches it and looks back, OR she may reach for it looking back not touching it yet. Waiting for you to say NO. Which is a green light for 'yes yes! touch it!! and smile at them, laugh in their faces!! haha!!' Shes crafty, ill give her that. And she is A LOT smarter than i give her credit for.