I know I know, ive been very tardy in updating this thing. its just been....busy...you know? We've done so many new things and seen so many new things! Lets talk about some new things Ava is doing. Shes standing on her tippy toes a lot. Shes nodding her head in a very robotic fashion - up and down...up and down. I was thinking it must have something to do with her pacifier and the click of the loop. But she is doing it sans paci as well. SHes pointing at everything she wants. These 'gestures' and 'grunts' are mainly to touch the lights or just have me say 'yes, that is a light, good job!'. She is also deeply mesmerized by a blue glass ball we have in the window. She loves to watch it spin. There are asymertrical white lines on it that seems to animate as it spins. She LOVES it. SHes still obsessed with the toilet. And she has recently figures out how to open all cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. Don't worry, its not baby proofed yet. ;) I think you all know what i am doing this weekend.
Last weekend we went to Richs sisters house(Lynn). This little girl was so busy playing with her cousins and I think making her new best friend! Their dog Trott! Did she loves him SO! She bit him, hit him....snuggled with him...pulled his ears. She even let him kiss her on the face!! She loved it, giggles and all. I have to say, he was a good sport putting up with it all. It was s cute! Not to mention she was all done up in her patriots gear. I think this is why they won. Must be! I guess she wear it on SB Sunday. We must.
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