Thursday, January 3, 2008

9 Month Check Up

Today Ava had her 9 month check up. The showcase showdown was a bit late getting going. But, I did include daycare in the game. However, they were unaware of the Jim Dandy at stake! It doesn't matter because Momma knows best. Thats right I guessed her EXACT measurements(excluding the head). They are as follows: Head: 70% percentile, Weight 17.9oz(25th%), Length 28.25 in(90%) Natasha owes me TWO jim dandy's (I was closest to little Luke's weight and height).

All in all she did great and looked great. She wasn't worried about her eating or her weight. She is after all, a super active teeny individual. The worst part of the whole appt was the 2 shots. I had no idea there would be 2 shots!! Hep B and the Flu shot. ewe. She also has to get blood work done before her 1 year appt, which is in 3 MONTHS! HOLY SMOKES! She is approaching one year! WHAAAAA HAPPIN!

Some interesting factoids about Ava. She discovered the knobs on the stove. She also discovered the knobs on the cabinets, and that they HIDE stuff! Shes really into the cabinet in the kitchen as well. But most of all, she discovered the toilet today. I was washing her bottle nipples in the sink in the first floor bathroom(not hot water in kitchen), and i thought where is Ava now. She was right behind me. THERE she is!! Putting her hand in the potty water! EWEWEWE! Thank god it was flushed!

I just her down at 20 after 7, with a dose of motrin and a paci. No bottle. I wonder if she will sleep through the night? Let me rephrase-she didn't want her bottle. I tried to give it to her.

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