Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Our lil' talker

I thought that she was a talker before, but now she just has conversations with herself, whether in her crib, excersaucer or on her mat. Even in the car seat! My how times have changed!!! There was time when i thought the only thing she would do is cry in her car seat.

Shes loves chatting when on the changing table while reaching for everything in site. I think shes really trying to master the raspberry. Then out come these angry noises...always followed by big smiles. Stretching her vocal chords they say! One of my favorite things right now is when coming into the room where she is at, esp when she is in the excersaucer, smiling and clapping at her...she gets SO excited! Its just about the cutest thing ever!! We will have to get some video posted to support this note here.

This Friday we have our FIRST swim class! I cannot WAIT to see how she handles it. I hope she loves it. I also wonder how I will handle singing in front of strangers to nursery rhymes I forgot the words too. I don't think lip syncing will fly.

1 comment:

rootaberger said...

Oh, swim class is going to be so much fun!! I think you will both love it. And remember, there was another Mom, who tried lip-syncing a song while wearing a bikini earlier this week. It did not go well for her. Just listen and it will all come back. Or just sing "something, something, watermelon"