Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ear Pulling

Sometimes this action it means 'teething' and sometimes, I guess it means ear aches/infections. Since shes been ear pulling for a few weeks I assumed it was teething, but after the runny noses, coughs and 3 days of fever above 102....we saw the doc. It ends up she has an ear infection in her left ear and some puss(EWE!) in here right ear. Not to mention the doc had to remove what she called 'potatoes' of earwax from her ear before she could examine it. Just to clear the parents names in childcare grooming, there was NO WAY we could have seen these 'potatoes' to remove them ourselves. She had to use a long teeny weeny ice cream scoop thang.

So Miss Ava is currently on antibiotics and getting her step back. If you have met her or seen her you know shes on the go all the time. Those lil legs just don't stop, not even for sleep. However, this labor day weekend she was a giant sack with that glazed look in her eyes. It was so sad! It gave some real meaning to being parents though. The only thing you could do was hold her and do your best to comfort her over anything else. Rich mentioned last night to my bud Chris, 'this was the first labor Day in a long time that I didn't have anything alcoholic.' Now that I'm thinking, no burgers either. Ha!

1 comment:

rootaberger said...

poor little Ava. Remember the ear scoop you bought for Rich at the Super 88?! Just made me think of it.