It has been so long since i last posted to the blog. Work happened. UGGA. In the past few weeks, Ava started morning Pre School, ballet and soccer. She also brought home pink eye to the ENTIRE FAMILY. We have all been sick for what feels like EONS. RIch was spared the pink eye. LUCKY!
Claras language continues to blossom. But she still prefers to point and say 'dah!'. She not nearly as serious as Ava was, and in fact, is much more cuddly and smiley. How odd they can be 2 different beasts! She also had her 2nd incident of nurse maid elbow the other night. UGGA. 2 hours in ER over dinner time. BLARG. They were as good as they could be I guess. They took and x-ray just to be safe because of the way it happened...she fell on it instead of having it pulled away from her body.
Ill post some recent mobile photos since i haven't downloaded the camera yet!
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