Lets see, she had her 9 mo appointment. She was 20.6 lbs/oz & 30 inches tall. That puts her about average to 75% weight and over 95.97 percentile. Whether it means anything or not shes much bigger than Ava was at this age.
Shes been crawling like a mad girl. Shes got 2 speeds, slow and FAST! Shes really into exploring the house and finding people when they are not near. Shes cruising the furniture and her toys. She walks with her walkers and with the help of mom and dads hands. Shes one of the happiest babies Ive ever seen.
She also in the past 6 weeks has gotten 4 teeth! They started with the lower left, next the upper left, then bottom right and finally top right! They are sharp suckers too!
Clara is still having problems with eating finger food. It sets off her gag reflex way too easy....we see lots and lots of spit up. yuck!
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