its ben so long since I've updated this, my apologies. I think I thought I would have so much time and I just don't! Too many dishes, too many feedings, too many dirty diapers.....I forgot!
Clara is officially 6 weeks, well tomorrow she will be. The past 3 nights her feedings have been at 8.30pm, 1;30am and 5.30 am. This is a break through compared to her every 2-2.5 hour eating fest in the beginning! There is hope! Ava seems to be adjusting to her schedule again as well. She was waking up a bit more in the middle of the night when we first brought Clara home. She has also fallen back into her routine at school and is her usual self. Thank goodness!
I never thought it would be this hard having 2 kids. Its HARD! Fridays are very difficult without Rich around, thought I do try and keep myself very busy with friends. Ava knows when I am not 'available' to her and will do anything for attention at these critical moments. Lots of negative attention for her. Things such as disappearing upstairs where I find her sitting on top of her changing table, rubbing medicated diaper cream all over her hands and feet. At first sight its funny, but that girl could have pulled the changing table on top of her or eaten some of that cream! YIKES!!!
Sadly enough, I have found her at the sink 'washing dishes' and forgotten to put the largest knife i the house away.....and low and behold i turn for one second as Im looking for something for Clara, Ava grabs the knife!!!! EEEEKS! I slowly approach her and ask her if I can have it and tell her this is not a toy and we don't play with knives, mommy shouldn't have left i out in the sink for her to wash. Totally my fault. It will never happen again.
Ava is also dragging the kitchen chairs all over the kitchen to reach for things up high. Whether its snacks or the faucet on the kitchen sink. She LOVES washing her hands. This brings on wet which she insists on removing...PRONTO. Another new feature of a 2 year old, running around the house naked. The good news is she LOVES her potty seats on the grown up toilet seat. She knows this is where potty happens and shes been pretty good about it without us putting too much effort into it. We ask her during critical times, when she wakes up, before nap and before bedtime. School pretty much takes care of the rest. But she always goes, whether its #1 or #2. That Ava!
I wish I had more to report on Clara, but shes your pretty typical newborn. She is experiencing some acid reflux, which stinks. And shes appears to have the dreaded 'colic' from about 6.15-7:45. A much better time period than her sister who was 5-8. UGH!
And so it goes, a learning experience every day with the 2 of them and how to balance attention and time. I should also mention Ava LOVES her baby sister. She is constantly kissing her and giving her her binky (even though she doesn't want it) and rubs her toes and holds her hand. I have to say it is the sweetest thing.
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