Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Miss Clara

Im not sure the word is out on the street, but we brought Clara home on Friday February 6th. Within an 8 hour timespan she had a few breathing episodes which required us to dial 911 and have her admitted to the Winchester Hospital special care unit. It was the scariest moment of my life and I never want to relive it ever again. She had a few more episodes in the hospital and has been episode free since this past Monday. The plan is to have her discharged this Friday after 3.

What I can tell you about Claras first week of life, is that beyond scaring the living daylights out of mom and dad, she has the appetitive of her mommy. Shes eats with true purpose and has no patience for waiting!! When shes not eating shes sleeping. At each eating session shes been eating 4 oz. Thats a lot of food for a lil babe! Perhaps it will be different when we get home....and we dont have 24-7 surveillance. We'll see.

Miss Ava has been missing her too. She will look out the door when both or one of us (parents) come in the door and say "baby sister?". She knows something is up. Shes missing Rich and I in school a lot. But its not stopping her from going to the potty ALL the time! And I mean ON the potty! Shes really turning into such a big GIRL!

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