So lets see what has happened since our last post. We went to a wedding sans Ava, which was AWESOME! Thanks Lynn, Billy, Max and Anna! They took care of Ava for a a full weekend for our first time away form her ever. Apparently she was awesome. Slept through the night and even slept in one morning! I have to admit Rich and I may have felt some jealousy that we hadn't experienced that combo in quiet some time!
We have also had many visits with the Strom boys. Ava continues to grow bonds with them. They even had tubby time together! I might as well have joined them due to the saturation of water on my clothes.
Including breakfast today at the vic!
We continue to prepare for baby Scans #2 and involve Ava as much as possible. She helped put together the crib and tested it out in its multiple 'put together stages'. If this crib isn't unbreakable, i don't know what is. She was bouncing in it, shaking it and when set on a high level climbing into it. The thing never budged. Its from IKEA too. I have also purchased a bigger baby doll for her. One that actually laughs and crys and says a few things when pressing feet and hands. I will tell you, Ava fell in love with that doll. She had to hold in it the car as soon as we left target. When i would press the cry foot, Ava would come running with a concerned look on her face and hug the baby right away, and say "baby, cry." She LOVES babies. We babysit Wil, our neighbors son and all Ava wanted to do was hold him and hug him. It was so cute. And when I put him on the floor to play with some toys, Ava wanted to sit on his lap. Mind you he was roughly 11 months at the time, but def outweighs Ava. Whenever we leave daycare she HAS to look into the baby rooms. There is even a boy in her class that has a brand new baby brother, that Ava has to visit with whenever hes there. And you know, shes actually pretty good with him. It will be interesting to see how she handles her own sibling. I can only image she take the sharing of mom and dad for a short time. We will see!!
Ava has also become a small TV watcher. She enjoys Blues Clues. Thats about it, but it is at least 10 minutes of time that we can sit quietly together or shell eat her breakfast in her highchair while i make her lunch for the day. Another new phenomena is that she really likes Elmo. I'm not sure how this happened, we have like 2 Elmo books and never watch sesame street. I was shopping at Wilsons and had to get her these cupcakes. So silly.
29 weeks
It looks as though I will be getting induced around 39 weeks due to controlling the blood thinner sitch. I'm am 100% OK with that! However, I think she will come before then.Wishful thinking, right? No....I feel as though shes not going to be able to be contained as well as Ava. I seem to have the PUPPP rash, 1% of all pregnancies get it. AWESOME. Its very itchy and uncomfortable.
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