Friday, January 7, 2011

Edaville Railroad

We went to Edaville Railroad with the Fittons towards the end of December. Thank god we got there when it opened! It was a MAD HOUSE! Clara almost froze her hands off and freaked out on the dumbo ride. But they seemed to enjoy the train ride, even though Ava was having a meltdown because she did not want to go on it. I kid you not the line must have been 2 hours long when we left to get on the train and it was COLD out! Ive posted some crappy shots from my iphone.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas break & things

I am trying to be good about staying up with all that has happened, I will be breif and support most of my blogs by images and movies! ha!

We have had colds, conjunctivitis and horrible sleeping tearing through the house. Clara thinks she can potty train herself by shutting the door on the bathroom and removing her poppy diaper. Followed up by getting on the potty, then redressing. yikes.

This year Christmas break was totally doable. I think the kids are playing together more and we had a bunch of activities we could do as a family. Sledding, swimming, walks, arts and crafts, cooking and of course ava went ice skating. We had many family get togethers too!

Avas giant gingerbread man, that tasted like cardboard, no joke.

Avas outfit to Christmas Mass

Clara out sledding!

Rich gearing them all up for the big ride.

These videos kinda got all distorted...i gonna have to fix em...but until i do, here ya go!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning at our house. You can barely hear her utter, "where are MY presents!!".