This past week Ava has been really reaching for everything and examining it as best as she can. The object she reaches for, if grasped and held, receives a bunch of bats and rubs which eventually results in the object tumbling to the floor, much to her amazement. She is also experimenting with making new noises with her pacifier by tugging on the
paci ring!! Very entertaining for both mom and dad.
Apparently she also has a
belly laugh that she does for her daycare ladies...which I have YET to see!! Although I have been subject to a few giggles. Also, she has been attempting to hold her bottle for quite some time now, which usually results in her batting it out of her mouth with MUCH frustration. Now she has moved on to sticking her fingers in her mouth along with the nipple and talking all at the same time. Its a messy venture and none of it is very ladylike. Rich will have to work on that.
She is incredibly excited by the sounds many of her toys make, as well as the ones mom and dad make. However, the daycare ladies clearly make much better ones, as they get the belly laughs. Jerks. Because of this elusive 'belly laugh', I did my
darnedest this past weekend to get those results and
I'm not sure if the scratchy/fuzzy throat I got after the effort was worth it. I think secretly inside Ava was laughing at me, the big dumb jerk.
One thing I can say from my own perspective is that as she becomes more interactive and 'social' is that I am so totally in love with this little girl I just want to talk to her, play with her and give her hugs and kisses all day long. She is so damn cute.