Saturday, June 19, 2010

Avas First Haircut

It was 90 degrees on Friday morning as I was watching Ava splash around at the Reservoir in Arlington while Clara played at my feet with shovels and buckets. As Ava was walking through the water she passed a little girl, maybe 2ish, that had the cutest little bob. It was high and tight. Ava could do this with her wispy air. I went over to her mom and asked her where she got her daughters haircut. Her response was, 'Arlington Hair Salon for Men' on Broadway. I was so there......tomorrow I said to myself. As I went back to my friends I told them where I was going , like I was in on the secret. Turns out Both Kari (Wils mom) and Natasha ( Liam&Lukes mom) take their kids there. DUH.

I took many shots of the moment. Ava wax GREAT and so excited. Natasha, Liam & Luke walked in just as the bib was snapped off. So we hung out, watched them get haircuts and all shared a lollipop on the stoop afterwards.

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